Our dynamic Beit Midrash is filled with energy and excitement and is only possible in Israel. Israel for YTVA, is not just a location where our yeshiva happens to be, and it is not merely a change in mindset, it is a lifestyle.
.עם ישראל .ארץ ישראל .תורת ישראל
Matan (Machon Torani l’Nashim) has been providing higher level Torah studies for Jewish women since its inception almost 30 years ago, through its Advanced Beit Midrash Scholars’ Programs, continuing education, and community programs. Matan’s students and graduates are on the cutting edge of Jewish education, innovating, creating and enriching Jewish studies curricula for students from diverse backgrounds and with a wide range of Jewish knowledge and skill sets. MTVA students are fully integrated into the Matan Beit Midrash, and have the opportunity to learn from the world’s premiere educators. While many of the courses we offer are exclusively for TVA students using Matan faculty, there are also courses that are cross listed for TVA students and Matan students, including some classes taught in Hebrew. You will have the unique opportunity to learn in a demographically diverse environment, sitting alongside those who have chosen to integrate Torah into their lives as adults in shiurim and learning with them in individual chavrutot.
At YTVA, we believe that the goal of your year in Israel is not only to amass Torah knowledge. Torah is not an end–we learn Torah as a means to affect our character, our relationships, and to inform and enable awareness of our future. We aren’t just the readers of a book, but people who are transformed and changed by its messages.
As a Bnei Akiva Yeshiva, we believe that it is a privilege to be involved with Am Yisrael. We must spend this year taking an active role in Israeli society, and taking responsibility for the future of the Jewish people in Medinat Yisrael.
Our Beit Midrash is only possible in Israel. Israel for YTVA, is not just a location where our yeshiva happens to be, and it is not merely a change in mindset, it is a lifestyle.
We believe that the best You is not about You–and that Torah values demand giving and not taking. The year is not about selfishness, it’s about outwardness!
YTVA recently moved onto an incredible new campus in the heart of Jerusalem, in the centrally-located neighborhood of Baka.
The campus is comprised of 3 brand new buildings which house a beautifully renovated Beit Midrash, apartment-style dorms, Chadar ochel, classrooms and more.
There are many amenities including a gym/workout center, as well as a coffee room stocked with snacks and coffee to keep students and faculty nourished throughout the day.
On kibbutz, you will have the once in a lifetime experience of working, learning, and living on a historic religious kibbutz. Your day will include working in the fields, gardens, factories, dining hall, farms, and childcare facilities of the kibbutz, side-by-side with the Israelis who live there.Like all of our special programming, our time on kibbutz is fully integrated with Torah, and there is daily learning in the afternoons and evenings. You will also experientially learn the halakhot relating to working the Land of Israel, and connect with early Zionist pioneers through a deep engagement with their institutions.
החיים בירושלים
At Midreshet Torah v’Avodah, we believe that an essential part of the year will be learning to live independently. You will live in beautiful apartments in the heart of Jerusalem, and the surrounding neighborhood functions as the most exciting and vibrant campus in the world. Minutes from the Old City, Emek Refaim, and the center of town, you will be perfectly situated to maximize all of your time in Israel.