
Who We Are

Yeshivat Torah vʼAvodah is an innovative Bnei Akiva yeshiva for highly motivated high school graduates. In one incredible year, you will experience life-changing growth in your connection to Torah, to the Jewish people, and to the land and State of Israel. You will have the opportunity to learn from the most impressive educators in the world, developing deep relationships that will stay with you for life.

TVA’s path-breaking model allows you to expand and broaden every aspect of who you are as a member of Am Yisrael in Medinat Yisrael through the lens of Torat Eretz Yisrael.


TVA taught me to be a better person, gave me some of the most incredible experiences and friends in my life and really made me want to get even closer with Hashem.
Ben Nemirov, 5780
At TVA, I gained textual skills, answers to my philosophical questions, and a passion for learning and Judaism. However, I also learned that once I close that book, I have an obligation to use what I have learned as a conduit to serving the world. TVA helps its students look beyond the here and now and into the future because it is not merely a gap year program; it outlines a lifestyle of obligating oneself to be better, both for themselves and for Am Yisrael as a whole.
Gabie Cohen, 5779
TVAis the most balanced Yeshiva in Israel, it pulls together spiritual growth, tiyulim and chesed. For students who are looking for a warm environment with good Torah learning and good people, this is the place.
Mendy Kanofsky, 5780


Yeshivat Torah v’Avodah believes that learning Torah can be a means to a unique and fulfilling lifestyle and relationship with Torah. A relationship with Torah means that learning must be about forming relationships―with Hashem, oneself, one’s family and one’s community. It should create a connection with the past and build a bridge to the future.

TVA is one of the many programs under the umbrella of Bnei Akiva, the pioneering Religious Zionist youth movement, which has more than 50 years of experience running programs for young men and women in their year in Israel.

Bnei Akiva is your family in Israel. In addition to Israel programs, Bnei Akiva runs summer camps for thousands of young people, and year-round programs in dozens of communities in North America and across the world. On TVA, you will have the remarkable opportunity to connect with Bnei Akiva students from across the world – from the UK, Australia, South Africa, Germany, France, South America, and more!